Servicing North San Diego County
The "Ceremonial Dove release" has been a custom for centuries. The "Noblemen of Olde" released the doves as a symbol of their eternal love for their brides to be. Doves choose one partner for life and make this commitment until death. The white dove has been used throughout history as a symbol of Love, Peace, Purity, Faithfulness and Prosperity. It is said that if doves are seen on your wedding day, a happy home is assured.

$100.00 is due at booking; the balance is due in full 2 weeks prior to your event.
Every event is unique. We will be happy to customize a release to fit your needs. We use decorated white heart-shaped wicker baskets that hold from 1 to 2 birds, or you may do a hand release. For the large releases, we use a pretty white crate.

Release Regulations
We release only well trained, healthy white homing pigeons with identification bands.
We never release indoors.
We never release after sunset. Cut off time is one hour before sunset.
We never release in inclement weather, high winds, heavy rain, fog, darkness or extreme heat.
Light shower is OK.
We reserve the right to decide if it is safe for our birds to fly.
If we decide that it is not safe, we will refund your payment in full.
We will dress appropiately for the occasion.
We welcome you to come and see our birds, just call and we will set up a convenient time.

Suggested Readings
Choose a special person to do the reading during the Dove Release. Here are some suggested readings:
For many centuries
the White Dove has been an emblem
of Peace, Love and New beginnings.
As a symbolic gesture, to seal their marriage vows,
(bride and groom) are now going to release
these two white birds.
The Doves will fly upward and circle above us a few times,
then fly home together, as a pair.
This symbolizes our newly-wed couple
setting off on their journey in life together,
in harmony.
(bride and groom), we wish for you
that your life together will be long, rich and rewarding.
May your marriage carry with it
all the wonderful qualities
that the White Dove represents.
As you begin your new journey as husband and wife,
let this pair of Doves symbolize the love and devotion
that will grow through your years together.
The memory of these two of nature's creatures,
who bond together for life,
will serve as inspiration as you both go forth
traveling a path started by two,
and combining as one
with a never ending love for one another.

Once the Lord of Heaven chose two doves,
both young and fair
and told them of a very special journey they would share.
"Go now upon the earth and seek two hearts
where you may dwell, and there I shall surely come
and make my home with you as well.
We'll join the two and make them one.
A Husband and a Wife,
my spirit will endow their love with
everlasting life."
Today the Doves still bring the sacred promise from above,
to those whose hearts are open to the miracle of Love.

On Wings of Love
these white birds are a symbol of
a public confession of true love.
Spreading news for all to see,
this marriage is made of Peace,
Harmony and Unity.
White winged messengers,
set free today,
are sent with blessing that
will never fade away.

(bride and groom) are now going to release
these two pure white doves.
The Doves will fly upwards and circle above us
a few times, then fly home together as a pair.
This symbolizes our newly-wed couple
setting off on their life together, in harmony.
(bride and groom), we pray that your life together
will be prosperous in spirit, soul and body.
May your marriage carry with it all the wonderful qualities
of the Holy Spirit that the White Dove represents.

Two doves meeting in the sky
Two loves hand in hand, eye to eye
Two parts of a loving whole
Two hearts and a single soul
Two stars shining big and bright
Two fires bringing warmth and light
Two songs played in perfect tune
Two flowers growing into bloom
Two doves gliding in the air
Two loves free without a care
Two parts of a loving whole
Two hearts and a single soul